Our House Rules are intended to enhance the mutual enjoyment of SIDEKICK WORKPLACES for all clients at “#41 Al Ma’ahed St, City Center, Ramallah PA”. You are asked to observe the spirit and intent of these House Rules at all times.
- Internet Policy: Wireless/Wired access to the Internet is provided during the Client’s membership. Service interruptions, if they occur, will be handled as promptly as possible. SIDEKICK is not responsible for any data, business or other losses due to such interruptions. Client is responsible to protect Client’s own computer and data from electrical surges, theft, virus, or another malicious attack. SIDEKICK does not take any responsibility for the security, content, network distribution, and use of any of the information that is processed, transmitted, received, or any other means communicated through the Internet service provided. SIDEKICK is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from any security breaches of network services from the Internet or within the Office Space. Any misuse of the Internet and/or Services provided is grounds for termination of this Agreement. Client agrees that when participating in or using SIDEKICK Services, Client cannot:
- Use the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any SIDEKICK server or network(s);
- Disrupt or significantly slow down the remaining computers in the Office through excessive usage of internet services/bandwidth;